Welcome to Saltdean Lodge No 8039

Saltdean Lodge is one of 160 Freemasons lodges in Sussex
which wholeheartedly welcomes people from all backgrounds,
whilst supporting our local communities, charities and good causes

Freemasons in Saltdean, Rottingdean, Woodingdean, Ovingdean, Kemptown,
Brighton and the surrounding Sussex areas

What we Do? image
"As the current Master of Saltdean Lodge and on behalf of all of our members, I would like to welcome you to our website".

"I have been a Freemason for several years now, and have found that the time I spend with my lodge and other freemasons both locally and nationally, a very positive experience. I've made some great friends along the way and enjoy our efforts to really make a positive contribution".

"Here is a little bit about us and what we do.... but Freemasonry is so much more, so please feel free to contact us as we are always happy to chat, and answer any questions you may have".

Yours sincerely
W. Bro Guy Wickenden


Saltdean Lodge is one of 160 Freemasons lodges in Sussex which wholeheartedly welcomes people from all backgrounds, whilst supporting our local communities, charities and good causes.

We come together as friends with common goals, to better ourselves, support each other, making a positive contribution to society whilst making valuable contributions to charitable causes.

Freemasons use four important guiding principles to help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity.

Although Freemasonry is a fantastic hobby, we are also one of the largest charitable givers in the country, contributing £42 million to deserving local and national causes in 2019 alone. 

But Freemasons also donate their time, with millions of hours of volunteer work undertaken every year… we really do make a positive contribution.

Saltdean Lodge’s hospitality and diversity is legendary and if you would like to find out more about joining your local Freemasons lodge, we would love to hear from you.

Our History image

Saltdean Lodge was formed in 1965 and has a rich history of hospitality and diversity. Our members are ordinary people doing our very best to make a positive and lasting contribution to society as well as gaining friendships for life.

Freemasonry is one of the world’s largest and oldest non-religious and non-political fraternal and charitable organisations. It is open to people from all walks of life, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation or socio-economic position in society.

It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies and members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.

Organised Freemasonry, as we know it today, began with the founding of the first Grand Lodge on 24 June 1717 at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House in St Paul’s Churchyard. It was formed by the agreement of four London Lodges, the oldest of which was thought to have existed in 1691. 

Evidence of the movement’s existence prior to 1691 is sparse, so the true origins remain a mystery. However, there is general agreement amongst historians and researchers that Freemasonry developed, either directly or indirectly, from the medieval stonemasons – otherwise known as Operative Masons – who built the great cathedrals and castles.

Where we meet image

Saltdean Lodge is one of 160 Freemasons Lodges in Sussex which wholeheartedly welcomes people from all backgrounds.

We meet six times a year in the heart of Brighton for our regular lodge meetings. Our lodge meetings run alongside our many social, charitable and fund raising events throughout the year. (please see our calendar)

Saltdean Lodge’s hospitality and diversity is legendary and if you would like to find out more about joining your local Freemasons Lodge, we would love to hear from you.

Guy Wickenden

Master of the Lodge

As the Master of our lodge, it is my job to oversee all of the business, and the members of our lodge, to ensure that they are carrying out their duties efficiently so that our lodge as a whole functions the best it possibly can.

Tony Flint

Lodge Secretary

The lodge Secretary's duties are many. He is part recorder of the lodge, but mainly the central point of all lodge business and the person that helps ensure we operate within our Constitutions, regulated laws and by-laws.

Bob Treadaway

Lodge Mentor

As the lodge Mentor, my job is to promote, coordinate and monitor all of the mentoring activities within our lodge and to ensure that all of our members growth within freemasonry is supported.

Terry Grayer

Charity Steward

My principal role as the Charity Steward is to initiate and lead the fundraising for our lodge so that Masonic or non-Masonic charities benefit the most from our efforts and contributions.

Ed Knight

Lodge Almoner

As the lodge Almoner, it is my job to be the “eyes and ears” of the Lodge, ensuring the welfare of its members and dependants, as well as the widows of those members sadly no longer with us.

James Mortimer

Lodge Steward

As one of many lodge Stewards it is my job to assist in the smooth running of our lodge, especially during our meetings as well as at our many social events.

How to join image
Our members come from a wide and diverse background, from local businesses, bus drivers, heating and air-conditioning engineers through to financial services and entrepreneurs as well as currently serving within HM Armed Forces.

"We welcome everyone..."

So becoming a Freemason really is much easier than you think, there are actually only a few steps to becoming a Freemason.

Contact us:
Ask us some more questions! You will no doubt have many of them. 

Come and meet us: 
We would like to hear about you and your interests, and we can talk more about Freemasonry and what we do locally. 

Join us:
Then if everyone’s happy you can ask to become a Freemason and begin an enjoyable journey that will help you make a positive and lasting contribution to society as well as gaining friendships for life. You're a Saltdean Lodge Sussex Freemason.

  • Sussex Masonic Centre, Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3YH, UK
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The South Group Breakfast Club

  • Date: 27/04/2024 09:00 AM
  • Location: Roedean Cafe (Map)
  • More Info: BN2 5RL